December 9th (Saturday) : COEX Conference Room 307
9:00 – 10:20 am
Session 4. Cybersecurity Paradigm Shift and the Bright Internet
Is the current architecture of Internet and global governance structure sustainable for the future of Internet?
Can the current defensive paradigm protect the global society from the cyber security threat?
Can the Bright Internet with five principles (origin responsibility, deliverer responsibility, identifiable anonymity, global collaboration, privacy protection) preventively deter the sources of cybercrimes and terrors?
Can the Internet Peace Principles prevent the state-led cyberattacks?
Can the Bright Internet be an alternative of the next generation Internet?
Dongman Lee (KAIST Department of Computer Science & Chair, Future Internet Forum) [Chair]
David Farber (Carnegie Mellon University): USA Perspective
Xing Li (Tsinghua University): China Perspective
Jiro Kokuryo (Keio University): Japan Perspective
Helmut Krcmar (Technical University of Munich): EU Perspective
10:40 – 12:00 am
Session 5. Market-Driven Business Models for the Bright Internet
What is the risk of Cloud Services Providers if they allow cybercrimes generated?
Can the Bright Cloud Extended Network (BCEN) reduce the origination of cybercrimes?
Can the services of Bright e-Mail motivate the participation of Bright Netizenship?
What is the status of Bright Cloud in practice?
Can a new solution business emerge with the Bright Internet innovation?
Jim Foster (Director, Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Economy, Keio University) [Chair]
Jae Kyu Lee (KAIST & Yonsei University): Bright e-mail and Bright Cloud Business Models
Yunfeng Zang (CTO, Yovole Networks, Cloud Service Provider, China): Yovole’s Strategy
Woo Jin Jung ( Amazon Web Services and Potential of Bright Cloud Extended Network
Jong Uk Choi (MarkAny): Preventive Security Solution Business
1:20 – 2:40 pm
Session 6. Technologies for the Deployment of Bright Internet
What are the technical challenges for the implementation of the Bright Internet principles?
What kind of global standard and certification would be necessary while the flexibility of market driven standards is sustained?
How to reconcile the identifiability of malicious origins at cross border context without infringing the privacy and losing operational efficiency?
Can the IPv6 platform prevent the spoofing of IP Origins regardless the routed paths?
How the Bright Internet Global Governance position its function in reconcile with the existing Internet Technology Standard Organizations?
Douglas Sicker (Carnegie Mellon University) [Chair]: Global Internet Technology Governance Policies
Kilnam Chon (Professor Emeritus, KAIST Department of Computer Science): What should be the next generation secure Internet?
Victoria Yoon (Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University): US Cyber Security Technology Policies
Dan J. Kim (University of North Texas): Bright Internet and Privacy Concern: A Chronological Review
David Farber (Carnegie Mellon University): BIGG as a New Internet Governance
3:00 – 4:20 pm
Session 7. Bright Internet Global Governance Structure: What?
What kind of global governance structure is necessary to fulfill the Bright Internet Principles and Internet Peace Principles most effectively and efficiently?
What roles the Bright Internet Global Governance (BIGG) organization should uniquely conduct?
What should be structure of the Bright Internet Global Governance (BIGG) for sustainable endeavor of the Bright Internet Vision?
How the Bright Internet Global Governance organization can be performed in collaboration with the current international organizations?
Who should be the multiple stakeholder members of BIGG?
What business model would encourage netizens to participate as Bright Netizens?
John Mallery (MIT) Bright Internet Global Governance [Chair]
Wayne Huang (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China): BIGG from Chinese Policy Perspective
Nohyoung Park (Korea University, Law School): UN GGE Perspective and BIGG
Young Yung Shin (KAIST Bright Internet Research Center): Internet Peace Principles
Eneken Tikk (Leiden University): Hague Cyber Norms and BIGG
4:40 – 6:00 pm
Session 8. Toward the Bright Internet Global Governance: How?
What should be function of the Bright Internet Global Summit to build up BIGG?
How to motivate the governments participate the BIGG?
How to motivate the multiple stakeholder members to participate BIGG?
What should be status of BIGG with United Nations?
How to collaborate BIGG with the relevant international organizations and member countries?
Ramayya Krishnan (Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College, Dean) [Chair]
Jae Kyu Lee (KAIST & Yonsei University): Draft of BIGG Position Statement
Hun Yeong Kwon (Korea University, School of Information Security)
Eneken Tikk (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Douglas Sicker (Carnegie Mellon University)
Nohyoung Park (Korea University: UN GGE)
John Mallery (MIT)
Yunfeng Zang (Yovolve Networks, China)
Hogeun Lee (Yonsei University, Bright Internet Research Center)
Daegon Cho (KAIST, Bright Internet Research Center, Director)
Jun Sung Park (VP, IITP R&D Planning)