Jae Kyu Lee
Chair Professor
Yonsei University and KAIST
Past President of AIS
Wayne Wei Huang
Helmut Krcmar
Professor and Doctor
Technical University of Munich
Past President of AIS
Organizing Chairs
Program Chairs
Program Committee
Hun Yeong Kwon (Professor, Korea University)
Nohyung Park (Professor, Korea University)
Douglas Sicker (Carnegie Mellon University)
John Mallery (MIT)
David Farber (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jim Foster (Director, Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Economy, Keio University)
Zhangxi Lin (Texas Tech University, USA)
Victoria Yoon (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)
Jun Bi (Tsinghua University, China)
Jiro Kokyuryo (VP, Keio University, Japan)
Ting Peng Liang (AIS President-Elect, Sun Yat Sun University, Taiwan)
Gyoo Gun Lim (Hangyang University, Korea)
Kyung Jun Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Dongman Lee (Professor, KAIST, Korea)
Daegon Cho (KAIST, Korea)
Hogeun Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)
Jonguk Choi (CEO of MarkAny, Korea)
Organizing Committee
Gumhee Lee (IITP, Director of Planning)
Jeongyoon Chey (Director, MCI Seoul)
Grace Kang (Manager, MCI Seoul)
Jiyong Park (KAIST, College of Business, Ph.D. Candidate)
Jeongok Lee (KAIST, Staff, College of Business)
Ki Seung Baik (President, Korea Internet and Security Agency)
Kilnam Chon (KAIST, Korea)
Jongin Lim (Korea University, Korea)
Sang Hyup Kim (Graduate School of Green Growth, KAIST)
Chasub Lee (Director, UN ITU’s Telecommunication Standard Bureau)
AIS Bright ICT Task Force
Matti Rossi, Jason Thatcher, Helmut Krcmar, Jane Federowicz, Joey George, Niels Bjorn-Anderson, Ramayya Krishnan
ICIS Conference Chairs
ICIS 2017: Yong Jin Kim, Ritu Agarwal
Special Issue of the Journal of Association for Information Systems
Suprateek Sarker (Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Association for Information Systems)
Choon Ling Sia (City University of Hong Kong)
Alessandro Aquisiti (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Wonseok Oh (KAIST, Seoul, Korea)